Holding our space and ensuring representation.
Representation matters. Representation is important. Sometimes representation means speaking on behalf of a community or movement. Tiny House Trailblazers was established to ensure our voices were heard and our faces seen in the tiny house community.
We stopped expecting invitations to other tables and focused on building our own tables. We started gathering the people who were omitted from those other conversations, the people who weren’t represented in the tiny house movement and we continued conversations with the people who respect and value inclusion.
We’re trailblazers in the tiny house movement and almost ten years in. We’re advocates and educators within the tiny house movement, sharing our experiences and expertise. We’re working to build real community within the tiny house movement and we’re holding our space and ensuring representation.
“I believe in the power of community. I believe there is strength within us as a collective.”
- Bev Gooden, Social Activist & Speaker
“When we talk about that which will sustain and nurture our spiritual growth as a people, we must once again talk about the importance of community. For one of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone.”
— bell hooks
Let’s stay in touch.
Feel free to send us a message.